Aliens go where Die out or there is no
Where have all the aliens? the Zerg, the ships of the invasion fleet there Vulcan? man has constantly imagined creatures from beyond the Earth, and began to scan the sky to prove that humans are not "alone". But so far, we don't see or hear a real alien. latest research shows, we haven't found any extraterrestrial life because they were exterminated. Charley Lineweaver and Aditya Chopra is the author of the study, they said, for life, and early forms of the planet is not habitable, volcanic eruption are everywhere, meteorite impacts often occur things, by and large, they did not have much chance to survive.
Aditya Chopra said: "early life is very fragile, so we absolutely can't keep up with their speed the rate of extinction. Early stages of planet is not stable, in order to create a habitable planet, life forms need to regulate greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and water, to keep the temperature stable.
Researchers believe, can regulate the Earth's early environment life forms live in cyanobacteria 3.5 billion years ago. They absorb vast amounts of carbon discharged oxygen, creating a atmosphere that allows life on Earth evolved. This process is very slow at first, but cyanobacteria produce enough oxygen to support life of the Cambrian period 500 million years ago the big bang.
However, even at that time, life on Earth has always be threatened with extinction, including the Triassic mass extinction 250 million years ago, 70% of 95% of marine and terrestrial species are extinct. So, it is not hard to imagine that not all all life on a planet, like humans, until today. Disney iPhone 6 Case
In fact, the theory is not the only view of the alien did not survive. Recently, another study showed that the Earth may be the first planet of intelligent life in the universe. If we wait for billions of years, may have one of these days there will be other neighbors greeted us in the universe.
Regardless of whether the alien is extinct or not evolved, finding intelligent extraterrestrial civilizations in our lifetime is an unlikely thing. Of course, this does not hinder our efforts to the search for extraterrestrial life. Curiosity, Enceladus and other projects will continue to look for evidence of life in the solar system, no matter how little the possibilities. Researchers will also continue to look for evidence of life on other planets.
However, even if we did find there was bacteria microbial planet, looking for signs of life is very difficult. On Earth, scientists are still arguing over 3.5 billion years of microbial fossils in front of what looks like. Identify alien organisms may be more difficult, because they do not like the dinosaur bones, microorganisms are small and fragile, it is difficult to save in the rock. Disney iPhone case
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